понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Those who read my LJ know that I have had problems with Ohio Republican Senator Voinovich in the past. His criticism of John Bolton to the media, rather than attending the hearings about his nomination, which he was on the committee for did not sit very well with me, nor have I cared for a lot of his stands.

But when he called Barak Obama a Socialist, he was right on.

But now, Voinovich is being criticized by Democrats, many of whom feel he should apologize.

Apologize for what?

Barak Obama himself said that he wanted to tax the rich and "spread the wealth". That, by definition (go look it up. I did. Www.dictionary.com, look up the word "socialism") makes him a socialist.

Stand your ground, Voinovich. You are right on the money here.

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Ya know...

Iapos;ve had a lot of time to think about.
And Iapos;ve reliezed a few things.
Iapos;ve had these feelings for the past few months and just never had the guts to say anything.

But today is the day.
I feel for pretty much my whole life Iapos;ve had bad friends.
Today I can safely say that I have a few good friends.
But I still have friends who are to into there own lives to reach out and try to keep our friendship. I feel like Iapos;ve tried to keep in touch and either I donapos;t get any reply or weapos;d talk for a few minutes. And how sometimes youapos;ll come into Lebanon and not make any attempt to see me. It just makes me feel like Im not good enough, so I stopped trying because I donapos;t enjoy being let down. So if I havenapos;t been there for you when your going through a tough time, Im sorry. But you should take into consideration how some of your friends might be feeling.

No matter what I love all of my friends.
But I had to get this off my chest because its been eating away at me.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Oh lawd, itapos;s itapos;s been forever since I�posted in this thing. Iapos;ve been sleeping better lately. A lot better. I think I got a lot of worry off my mind with my visit to the doctor. I�think thatapos;s why Iapos;ve been sleeping so well. Which is a good thing. Dude, I woke up at eight oapos;clock the other day instead of going to bed at that time. Do you know how good it was to not see the sunrise? Iapos;m currently listening to my sleepy playlist, which includes Band of Horses and Eisley, as well as the Smiths. I�want to go to sleep in about an hour or so.

Itapos;s fortyfive degrees here right now. Do you know how ridiculously happy that makes me? You have no idea. I love the winter like no other. Itapos;s just a time for lots of blankets, fire, hot coacoa, and really chill music. Also my birthday. I�canapos;t wait. And yes, Iapos;m referring to fall as winter because here, when it gets cold, it IS the winter. Get used to it.

I�want a pizza blanket. Anyone who can get me one will be my best friend. Seriously. Pizza blanket. Look for that shit and send me the link. Iapos;ve been wanting one since last spring.

Iapos;ve been working on the guitar parts to one song and itapos;s coming together nicely. Itapos;s still a little tough because Iapos;m still a beginner so my finger tips HURT�like hell right now. But I love it. Yay.

Sugarapos;s going goodnight.

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Hier comme toujours, je suis all�e aux m�mes endroits avec les m�mes personnes. Je napos;avais envie de voir aucun de ces gens l� except� Sand. Et Hug. Je ne pensais quapos;� une seule chose, pour ne pas me d�faire de mes habituelles obsessions. Quand je suis pass�e dans la rue de lapos;E. Il mapos;a dit bonjour du haut de sa fen�tre et mapos;a dit quapos;il passerait peut-�tre au S. Mais encore une fois il napos;est pas venu. Japos;ai en revanche vu sa copine en compagnie de la fille au doigt et toutes les deux avaient lapos;air de me regarder de travers, ce qui est mauvais signe car cette putain de fille au doigt mapos;a vue embrasser Ch. Et il ne serait pas impossible, la connaissant, quapos;elle ait tout balanc�. Mais comme toujours, tout repose sur des suppositions.
Pour le reste, rien de bien passionnant � signaler � part que japos;ai crois� Gui et Flotte en ville, quapos;ils mapos;ont rejoint au S. Ensuite et mapos;ont fait danser sur des musiques de merde. Japos;ai aussi vu pour la premi�re fois de ma vie Attila compl�tement bourr� ce qui mapos;a un peu affol� car du coup il devenait vachement entreprenant et napos;arr�tait pas de me tripoter. A la fin, japos;ai m�me failli tomber sur ses genoux, japos;avais envie de le frapper.
Voil� pour cette soir�e un peu morte. Silence commence � me manquer, �a napos;est plus pareil sans lui. Tout semble changer tr�s vite et je ne sais pas o� toutes ces histoires vont me mener.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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You: Apple-cheeked girl carrying a bag with a big hippie-style "LOVE" appliqued on it.
Me: Commuter waiting at the bus stop.
When: 5:20 Friday evening
I wish: Iapos;d thanked you for picking up the trash. You stopped in the middle of your sashay down the sidewalk to pick up a stray bit of litter and repatriate it to the trash can. I had thought your bag was a little silly, but maybe you are in earnest. Good for you.

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Busy Busy Busy...

Wedding is about 85 planned and itapos;s about 8.5 months away. Our new house is a work in progress but should be in great shape for the house warming/halloween party weapos;re having on the 1st. Bryanapos;s new permenancy at the job seems to be going really well :) My work is crazy as usual, but going well. My Review is coming up next month, so yay more $.

Kitties are happy fat and sassy. After all the Crazy, Bryanapos;s mom has decided that she will adopt me. Politics are going to drive me crazy... Is it Nov 5th yet?????

Honey will be home on Wednesday, man I miss him
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Iapos;ve thought about posting lyrics and poems here again. I used to write all the time to write, then i quit to write music. Now, i have a lot of ideas. I want to write more again. I shall start when iapos;m not lazy anymore.

i eat meat now. I am a hick and a hippy. I want to live on a farm in the mountains. A lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same. All my friends live in PA or are in Iraq. Have you ever lived in a place where you only knew one person, but that person was your best friend? and your thousands of miles from where you grew up?

i am going to continue to be a free spirit and a story teller. Thatapos;s all i know.

i donapos;t know who else if anyone actually reads this...i know others post, i can see. Itapos;s been so long. I listen to the eagles, alot.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Specially for Diane Tan

Wonapos;t be going online tomorrow and Sunday so happy 16th in advance SINCE YOU ARE SPECIAL I SHALL WRITE YOU A PERSONAL CARD AND PASS IT TO YOU ON MONDAY (Jealous Jovy hahaha) Our birthdays suck since yours is a day before chem and mine is... No better. But anyways weapos;ll definitely celebrate after Oapos;s ok? Iapos;m slotted in your after Os schedule already so thatapos;s for sure heh heh. Thousand hearts for you + love in over abudance hahahahha AND�ONCE�AGAIN�HAPPY�BIRTHDAY

(Iapos;m so long-winded)


And the Os are finally, finally here. Canapos;t wait just three weeks more :)
okkkkkk should probably go through chem again cul8r

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