понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

builder contractor fence seattle

Those who read my LJ know that I have had problems with Ohio Republican Senator Voinovich in the past. His criticism of John Bolton to the media, rather than attending the hearings about his nomination, which he was on the committee for did not sit very well with me, nor have I cared for a lot of his stands.

But when he called Barak Obama a Socialist, he was right on.

But now, Voinovich is being criticized by Democrats, many of whom feel he should apologize.

Apologize for what?

Barak Obama himself said that he wanted to tax the rich and "spread the wealth". That, by definition (go look it up. I did. Www.dictionary.com, look up the word "socialism") makes him a socialist.

Stand your ground, Voinovich. You are right on the money here.

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